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How did tape get its name?


  Have you ever stopped to wonder how certain everyday items got their names?

  I recently stumbled upon the origin of the word for a common household item that we all use - tape. The story is quite intriguing, so I thought I would share it with you today. Believe it or not, the word tape actually has its roots in Latin. 

  The Latin word "tapete" means a heavy cloth or carpet, and it was later adopted into Middle English as "tapet." This term was used to refer to a type of cloth that was often used to cover tables or hang on walls as decoration. But how did this term come to be associated with the sticky adhesive strips we use today? Well, it all goes back to the early 20th century when a man named Richard Drew invented an innovative new product - masking tape. This tape was unique in that it was made with a special adhesive that allowed it to be easily removed without leaving any residue behind. Initially, Drew struggled to market his new invention. People simply didn't understand what it was or how it could be used. That all changed in 1925 when he attended an auto show in St. Paul, Minnesota. There, he noticed that car painters were having a difficult time getting clean lines when painting two-tone cars. Drew realized that his masking tape could be the solution to this problem, and he began marketing it specifically to the automotive industry. 

  Over time, the use of masking tape expanded beyond the automotive industry and into a variety of other applications. As the popularity of the product grew, people began referring to it simply as "tape." And since masking tape was the first and most popular type of tape on the market, the name stuck. So there you have it - the fascinating history of how tape got its name. It just goes to show that sometimes the simplest things in life have the most interesting stories behind them. 

  Next time you reach for a roll of tape, take a moment to appreciate its unique history. And if you happen to be using masking tape, remember that it all started with a clever inventor and a need for clean paint lines on cars. Who knows what other everyday items have equally intriguing origins? It's something to ponder the next time you go about your daily routine.

painters masking tape
